These videos feature members of the AGEP-NC community providing their perspectives on different aspects of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM doctoral programs.
AGEP-NC Overview
This video gives a 3-minute outline of the aims, approach and progress of the AGEP-NC project. It was created for the 2021 STEM for All Video Showcase.
Juan Vivero-Escoto on Teaching STEM at the University Level
Juan Vivero-Escoto, associate professor of Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In this video, Dr. Vivero-Escoto discusses his career path and what he enjoys about teaching chemistry at the university level. He also shares his recommendations for minority groups interested in teaching positions in STEM or those considering advanced degrees.
Juan Vivero-Escoto, profesor asociado de Química en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Charlotte. En este video, el Dr. Vivero-Escoto habla sobre su trayectoria profesional y lo que disfruta al enseñar química a nivel universitario. También comparte sus recomendaciones para grupos minoritarios interesados en puestos de enseñanza en STEM o aquellos que estén considerando grados avanzados.
Reginald Goodwin on Pursuing a Graduate Degree Later in Life
Reggie Goodwin, Student Leadership Council Member, recent PhD in Nanoengineering, NC A&T and UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. In this video, Dr. Reginald Goodwin discusses his career path and experience returning to NC A&T to earn his master’s and PhD in nanoengineering.
An Associate Professor's Career Path
Andrea Ofori-Boadu, AGEP-NC Fellow, Associate Professor of Built Environment, North Carolina A&T State University, describes the path she took to becoming a faculty member and the expectations of new faculty members. She shares what her typical day involves and the highlights of her chosen profession.
Developing a Department Plan
Adam Reitzel, AGEP-NC Fellow, Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, Biological Sciences Department, UNC Charlotte discusses the steps leading up to his department plan. Key steps included introducing the idea of developing a plan at a faculty meeting, brainstorming with his department chair and departmental DEI committee, sharing ideas with other AGEP-NC faculty fellows, and multiple open discussions with graduate students, postdocs and faculty in his department.
A Student's Perspective
Ebony Gaillard, Student Leadership Council Member, Doctoral Student in Biology, UNC Charlotte, gives details about her background, studies, and experience in AGEP-NC. She gives her experience in her department, hurdles doctoral students face, and what changes could be made.
A College Values Statement
Fatma Mili, Dean of the College of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte, explains how her college went about creating a College Values Statement, whose vision is “A World with Equity in Computing and Humanity in Technology”. She discusses the agency that faculty have and the imperative that we exercise our power.
Engaging Faculty in Sensemaking
Derek Aday, Department Head of Applied Ecology, NC State University, discusses department culture and the roles of faculty in the department and a departmental Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee who have taken leadership roles in recruiting diverse graduate students and faculty and developing an equitable and welcoming department climate.
Department Plans for Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Faculty
Jeff Braden, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, NC State, explains how formal departmental plans to recruit and retain diverse faculty have, in just a few years, had a dramatic effect on the composition of faculty in his college.
Charging a Faculty Search Committee
This video, of an actual search committee meeting, shows Jeff Braden, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, NC State, discussing NC State’s commitment to diversity and explaining how unconscious bias can affect search committee deliberations.
Presentations from AGEP-NC Alliance Meetings and Webinars
- Workshop: Leadership and Change Strategies for Campus Diversity, Adrianna Kezar, Professor for Higher Education, University of Southern California and co-director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education. Webinar Part I Recording. Part II: Culture Change Recording
- Workshop: Taking Action for Change – Supporting the Thriving of URM Scholars in Higher Education. Robbin Chapman, Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at Harvard Kennedy School
Webinar: Do Faculty Diversity Programs Work? Evidence from 600 Universities, 1993-2015. Frank Dobbin, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, Sociology Department Chair, Harvard University. Webinar recording
Keynote address: Strategies for Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Department DEI Initiatives. Ayesha Boyce, UNC Greensboro. Video of the Presentation
Alumni Perspective: Perspectives on Mentoring for Fortifying a Future in Academia. Kristen Rhinehardt, North Carolina A&T State University. Video of the Presentation
- Webinar:A Model for Dramatically Increasing Diversity at the PhD Level in STEM. Keivan Gaudalupe Stassun, Stevenson Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University. Webinar recording
- Race Really Matters. David Asai, Senior Director, Science Education, Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Video recording.
- Workshop I.The Absence of Diversity Hurts Everyone; II. Accountability. Karen L. Dace, Vice Chancellor, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, IUPUI. Video recording.
- The importance of Identity in the Success of Students from Minoritized Communities. Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, Professor of Software and Information Systems, UNC Charlotte. Video Recording
- The Language of Othering: Unlearning the ABCs. Lisa Merriweather, Professor of Adult Education, UNC Charlotte. Video Recording
- Webinar: Using Evaluation for Decision Making and Improvement. Leslie Goodyear, Education Development Center. Video Recording
- 2023 Winter Alliance Meeting. UNC Charlotte.
- 2023 Summer Alliance Meeting. NC State.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1820536 1820538 and 1820582. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.