AGEP-NC Senior Personnel
The Senior Personnel collectively direct the AGEP-NC project, bringing expertise in facilitating diversity initiatives and successful mentoring experience.
- PI: Abdellah Ahmidouch, Dean, College of Science and Technology
- Ajit Kelkar, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- John Kizito, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Past PI: Keith Schimmel, Professor of Engineering, Olivet Nazarene University
Past PI: Patrick Martin, Dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Johnson C. Smith University
Past co-PI: C. Dean Campbell, Assistant Dean for Academic Services, Graduate College
NC State
- PI: Marcia Gumpertz, Professor of Statistics
- Winser Alexander, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Maureen Grasso, Professor of Textile, Apparel, Technology and Management
- David Shafer, Assistant Dean for Outreach and Diversity, Graduate School
- Melanie Simpson, Professor and Head of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry
- Arefa Bakhshi, Project Coordinator
UNC Charlotte
- PI: Yvette Huet, Director, ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office and Professor of Kinesiology
- Project Researcher: Lisa Merriweather, Professor of Educational Leadership
- Dilara Yaya-Bryson, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Katie Lee, Project Coordinator

Student Leadership Council
The Student Leadership Council provides input to the Senior Leadership on the needs of students in their disciplines and campuses. The SLC constists of two doctoral students from each institution; each member serves a one-year term.
Brittany Sanders, Applied Science and Technology
Laquandra Adams, Applied Science and Technology
Past Members:
Reginald Goodwin, Nanoengineering
Janelle Robinson, Applied Science and Technology
Tenesha Robinson, Applied Science and Technology
NC State
Pascal Bastien, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aryssa Simpson, Biomedical Engineering
Past Members:
Whitney McCoy, Research Scientist, Duke University
Morika Williams, Assistant Professor, UNC Chapel Hill
Kyle Duke, Statistics
Dakota Batch, Textile, Apparel and Technology
UNC Charlotte
Ameante Payen, Health Psychology
Past Members:
Ana Orejuela, Health Psychology
Ephraim Moges, Electrical Engineering
Ebony Gaillard, Biology
Project Evaluators
Formative evaluation
Cathy Brawner, President, Research Triangle Educational Consultants, works closely with the AGEP-NC Leadership Team to provide ongoing formative evaluation.
Past Evaluator: Rebecca Brent, Education Designs
summative evaluation
Amy Germuth, EvalWorks, provides summative evaluation for the AGEP-NC project.
Past Evaluators: Mari Kemis, Brandi Geisinger, Arlene DeLamora, Research Institute for Studies in Education (RISE), Iowa State University
External Advisory Board (2019 – 2023)
The External Advisory Board brings depth and breadth of expertise in diversity management, promoting URM doctoral success, organizational change, educational research and assessment, and use of data in support of decision-making.
- Ayesha Boyce, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
- Frank Dobbin, Chair, Organizational Behavior PhD Program, and Professor of Sociology, Harvard University
- Dominique Foster, Research and Teaching Fellow, Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, NCSU
- Leslie Goodyear, Principal Research Scientist, EDC (Education Development Center)
- Douglass Henderson, Professor and Chair, Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin
- Adrianna Kezar, Professor for Higher Education, University of Southern California, and co-director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education
- Keith Schimmel, Professor of Engineering, Olivet Nazarene University
- Keivan Stassun, Stevenson Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University
- Zakiya Wilson-Kennedy, Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, College of Science and Associate Professor of Research, Chemistry Education, Louisiana State University
Past Members
- Kathleen deMarrais, Professor Emerita, Lifelong Education, Administration and Policy, University of Georgia
- Christa Wright, Director of Toxicology, Chemical Insights Research Institute of Underwriters Laboratories
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1820536 1820538 and 1820582. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.