Reading matter, videos, and presentations on mentoring, the experiences of underrepresented minority graduate students, promoting diversity and inclusion in graduate programs, and making institutional change.
- Joel Ducoste’s Symposium – Fostering a Mentoring CultureMeeting slides
- Mentoring Guide: A Guide for Mentors
- Mentoring: Creating Mutually Empowering Relationships
- From Deficits to Possibilities: Mentoring Lessons from Plants on Cultivating Individual Growth through Environmental Assessment and Optimization
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine: The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM
- The Missing Pieces of Nurturing Students’ Needs in Doctoral STEM Mentoring Relationships
- The Thrive Mosaic Developmental Framework: A Systems Activist Approach to Marginalized STEM Scholar Success
- To support or to deny: mentoring or gatekeeping?
- Mentoring beyond hierarchies: Multi-mentor systems and models.
- The Science of Mentorship podcasts.
- Supporting Faculty Peer Mentoring Symposium
Tools for Mentors
Experiences of Minority Graduate Students and Faculty
- Underrepresented Racial and/or Ethnic Minority (URM) Graduate Students in STEM Disciplines: A Critical Approach to Understanding Graduate School Experiences and Obstacles to Degree Progression
- Rooted in the Soil: The Social Experiences of Black Graduate Students at a Southern Research University
- Assimilating the “Culture of No Culture” in Science: Feminist Interventions in (De)Mentoring Graduate Women
- Reimbursement Policies Make Academia Less Inclusive.
- Living Proof: Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey
- June 17, 2020, Statement from the NC State Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA)
- Double-conscious professional self-expression of racial minority scientists-in-training
- Finding their way: Exploring the experiences of tenured Black women faculty. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
- Non-White scientists appear on fewer editorial boards, spend more time under review, and receive fewer citations
Promoting Institutional Change
- Examining the Institutional Transformation Process: The Importance of Sensemaking, Interrelated Strategies, and Balance
- Video: Culture Change and Competing Priorities. Adrianna Kezar
- Structure and Belonging: Pathways to Success for Underrepresented Minority and Women PhD Students in STEM Fields
- Creating a Diverse Student Success Infrastructure: The Key to Catalyzing Cultural Change for Today’s Student
- Making Academic Change Happen
- Creating Shared Vision
- Communicating Change
- Forming and Developing Teams
- Creating Strategic Partnerships
- Implicit Theories of Change as a Barrier to Change on College Campuses:An Examination of STEM Reform.
- Role of trust in graduate programs. Claude Steele video. Minute 34:33-48:45 of Session 10
- The session is a panel discussion titled “Promising programs, practices, characteristics and components for systemic change” chaired by Darryl Monteau.
- The Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program: Recognizing, enlisting, and cultivating unrealized or unrecognized potential in underrepresented minority students
- Immunity to Change
- ‘Tackling the Challenges of Our Time Requires All of Us to Be at the Table’
- Community Readiness
- The Change Leadership Toolkit: A Guide for Advancing Systemic Change in Higher Education
Graduate Education and Diversity
- Underrepresented Faculty Play a Disproportionate Role in Advancing Diversity and Inclusion
- Making Invisible Work in STEM More Visible
- The Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering Biennial Reports to Congress
- National Academy of Sciences report on Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century. Summary, Chapters 2 and 3
- Scaling Improvement in STEM Learning Environments: The Strategic Role of a National Organization
- How the Opaque Way We Hire Postdocs Contributes to Science’s Diversity Problem
- Bait and Switch: Representation, Climate, and Tensions of Diversity Work in Graduate Education
- Higher Ed’s Most Common Rationale for Diversity Favors White Students More than Black
- Why Campuses Need Centers for Pluralism
- Diversifying Society’s Leaders? The determinants and causal effects of admission to highly selective private colleges
- The Impact of College Diversity
Faculty Diversity
Institutional Bias
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1820536 1820538 and 1820582. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.